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Skill Trends: A List of The Best Artificial Intelligence (AI) YouTube Channels to Subscribe in 2022

Machine learning (ML), a field that combines statistics and software development, focuses on creating predictive models. Machine learning has sped up the pace of change in the world. The data is growing exponentially, thus we need to understand how to analyze it and draw conclusions.

In order to continue leading our industry, we must continuously learn new things. One of my favorite techniques is to ask smarter people questions, ideally for free. And one of the most important methods to do this is to subscribe to the top machine learning YouTube channels. It's a great source of information about the most recent trends and a quick approach to learn new skills.

We’ll review the best YouTube channels in this article so you can arm yourself with machine-learning skills.

Two Minute Papers

Two Minute Papers is perfect for anyone who appreciates keeping up with the most recent developments in machine learning research.

Two Minute Papers creates nearly two-minute-long movies that describe academic papers. Check out the following series if you are interested in the research sector.

Lex Fridman Podcast

Lex Fridman Podcast is one of the most popular and successful machine learning YouTube channels. Its host is an AI researcher with expertise in machine learning, human-robot interaction, and autonomous vehicles who works at MIT and other institutions.

With his guests, Lex discusses all things AI and ML. But he's not limiting himself to this one idea. Additionally, he talks about a variety of subjects that will inspire you to push your limits and inspire, educate, and motivate others.

Insights from all of the leading figures, thinkers, and scientists in the machine learning field. Among the people he spoke with were Elon Musk, Nick Bostrom, Andrew Ng, Yann LeCun, Vladimir Vapnik, Matt Botvinick, and many others.


If you like to study things from scratch, this is the best YouTube channel to learn about machine learning on.

Harrison Kinsley, the proprietor of Sentdex, instructs people on a variety of technologies, including Python programming, web development, machine learning, etc.

If you want to understand how each algorithm functions, including how bias and intercept are changed at each epoch or how to design a specific machine-learning algorithm from scratch, you should watch the following series by Harrison Kinsley.

Data School

Kevin Markham, the creator of and the Data School YouTube channel, is a great resource for those interested in machine learning. Regardless of your educational background, Kevin's instruction will assist you in understanding machine learning.

Kevin also produces videos on a variety of tools that can be used to develop machine learning models, including scikit-learn, pandas, and NumPy. You should binge-watch the following Kevin-produced series to properly comprehend the principles of machine learning.

Artificial Intelligence – All in One

Leading educators like Andrew Ng, Nitish Srivastava, and Geoffery Hinton offer top-notch courses on the Artificial Intelligence - All in One channel.

The Artificial Intelligence - All in One course includes lessons in computer vision, search engines, neural networks, text mining, and text retrieval. To fully understand machine learning concepts, you might want to look into the following Andrew Ng series.

Machine Learning with Phil

Phil Tabor is a deep learning and machine learning engineer who makes instructional videos in these fields.

He has put up a fantastic playlist of deep reinforcement learning courses in which he covers the fundamental ideas of the field, including deep deterministic policy gradients in TensorFlow 2, soft actor-critic in PyTorch, robotic control with TD3, and many others.

Jeremy Howard

Data scientist Jeremy Howard has a background in philosophy. But out of curiosity, he later merged his knowledge of statistics and programming to produce the most effective and approachable framework for deep learning tasks.

If you want to create deep learning models for computer vision tasks like image segmentation, classification, and restoration that need the least amount of coding and get the greatest results, consider the following. is the best option in the situation. Deep learning model creation was never that straightforward before

You might wish to binge-watch the following series to better grasp deep learning with the help of the library.


On YouTube, there is a place called the Kaggle channel where you may explore the Kaggle community, learn, and work on data science projects. The channel provides lectures, thoughtful advice, and conversations with data scientists in its videos.

Regardless of your work sector, this is one of the most incredible machine-learning YouTube channels for anyone wanting to experiment, learn new things, and apply those things to their work.

Arxiv Insights

The proprietor of the Arxiv Insights channel is Xander Steenbrugge. Technically speaking, he simplifies his major ideas while making them accessible to a larger audience.

Although the author doesn't consistently submit videos to the channel, it is well known for its unique content. Consider that you appreciate technical analysis of ML and AI. If so, you're at the right place, but you'd prefer a lovely explanation of the complex and technical topics.


DeepLearning.TV is devoted to deep learning. How-To videos, reviews of software packages and libraries, and interviews with key figures in the sector are all available on the channel.

Watching a series of concept films that outline the reasoning behind each Deep Learning technique might help you understand how deep learning functions better.


The focus of the Springboard channel is data science. There are talks on data science and machine learning with professionals from top businesses, a playlist on women in data science with fascinating dialogues with ML professionals, deep dives, or brief tutorials.

This machine learning YouTube channel is fantastic for individuals who want to know how to obtain employment, what to look out for, and what it’s like to work in data science.

The TWIML AI Podcast with Sam Charrington

If you're looking for the latest recent machine learning news, visit the TWIML (This Week in Machine Learning) Podcast YouTube channel.

Each week, the most exciting and important developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence are compiled. Anyone eager to learn more about current developments and trends and get knowledge from ML experts should definitely check it out.


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory’s research is showcased on the MITCSAIL YouTube channel (CSAIL). This channel’s educational material is excellent for people interested in computer science and artificial intelligence. There are many engaging videos showcasing cutting-edge robotics projects and AI research.
Henry AI Labs

In February 2019, Henry AI Labs became a member of the YouTube AI community. This YouTube channel updates the trendiest subjects from academic institutions and major corporations like Google. Natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, reinforcement learning, generative adversarial networks, and other AI and deep learning topics are covered.
Applied AI Course
The Applied AI Course offers video courses on data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The creation of AI solutions is the main focus of this YouTube channel rather than discussing theoretical computer science. Uber Cab Demand Prediction, Microsoft Malware Detection, and Facebook Friend Recommendation Using Graph Mining are a few of its intriguing AI case studies and initiatives.
Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

This YouTube channel was launched in 2014 and contains a lot of discussions about embodied AI. This includes movies like Robots That Reason About Object Semantics, Task Planning and Reinforcement Learning for General-Purpose Service Robots, and Robots That Reason About Object Semantics, as well as movies like Computing with a Mess, Biological Robots, 3D Dynamic Scene Graphs, and Certifiable Algorithms for Robot Perception.
Clever Programmer

Clever Programmer, founded in March 2016, is ideal for geeky programmers and creative thinkers. It includes several of the most popular programming languages. Its lessons may teach you how to program in Python, JavaScript, and R. You can view presentations and tutorials on SQL, Django, and the command line. Even real-time AI face identification and building your own AI automobile are skills you can acquire in Python.
Machine Learning 101

Check out Machine Learning 101, a brand-new ML YouTube channel with explanatory videos on basic AI concepts. The track also airs podcasts with knowledgeable data scientists and people engaged in AI in the private sector.

The nonprofit organization FreeCodeCamp is outstanding. It is an open-source community that offers a range of tools so people may develop their own projects and learn to code for free. On this website, anyone may learn to code for free. They also have a news site where they publish articles about their initiatives and programming.
Giant Neural Network

This YouTube channel aims to increase accessibility for everyone to machine learning and reinforcement learning. For a comprehensive introduction to neural networks for beginners, there is a playlist of 12 videos. It appears that a second intermediate neural network series is now in development.
Andreas Kretz

Data engineer Andreas Kretz founded Plumbers of Data Science. He offers videos with questions and answers about data engineering using Hadoop, Kafka, Spark, and other technologies, as well as live seminars on how to gain practical expertise.
Tech with Tim

Technology With Tim Programmer Tim teaches Python, Java, Machine Learning, and Pygame game development. He also creates sophisticated Python programming lessons..
Machine Learning University (MLU)

Machine Learning University (MLU), founded by Amazon in 2016, has one distinct objective: to train as many employees as is practical the technology required for the company to carry out the "magic" of providing items with this integrated technology.

Note: We tried our best to feature the best AI Youtube Channels, but if we missed anything, then please feel free to reach out at 
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